Hey, I'm Olena

Hey, I'm Olena

Hey, I'm Olena

Product Designer
Focused on Solutions

Product Designer
Focused on Solutions

I'm a designer focused on solving product challenges and delivering results through thoughtful, effective solutions. I craft effective design systems, test ideas, and stay in tune with both user needs and business goals, ensuring every solution makes an impact.

I believe great design begins with understanding real-world challenges

My approach to design combines problem-solving with a deep understanding of user needs and business goals, crafting solutions that are visually appealing, highly functional, and impactful. With experience in front-end development, I bring a well-rounded perspective, using wireframing, prototyping, and user testing to resolve pain points, enhance usability, and deliver measurable results.


Feel free to contact me if having any questions. I'm available for new projects or just for chatting.


Feel free to contact me if having any questions. I'm available for new projects or just for chatting.


Feel free to contact me if having any questions. I'm available for new projects or just for chatting.


Feel free to contact me if having any questions. I'm available for new projects or just for chatting.